Spearfishing lake Puruvesi

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Joined: 19.6.2013 13:02:02
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Spearfishing lake Puruvesi

Postby Seva » 19.6.2013 14:08:54

Hi Team Kampela! I am a diver living in Pietari, Russia who wants to come to Finland to go Spearfishing. I have got an eye on Lake Puruvesi as its supposed to be good and isn't that far for me to travel. I just want to ask: as I do not have a car and will come by bus and bicycle, what town should I come to to start? I see Kerimaki, Punkaharju and Kesalahti are all close to the lake, which is better? Of course I dont have to come to big town, is there any place just along the shore, where I can camp in the forst and have some good spearing? Also all general hints on diving Puruvesi will be helpful.

PS. As far as I understand its fine to camp in the forest in Finland, as long as you do not make a fire, or camp on private property, is this correct? I will buy a fishing license in Imatra, can someone please tell me where to do it? Bank or post office or fishing shop?

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Postby Maza » 3.7.2013 14:50:40

Sorry late answer. I think all the guys are now at holiday...and i never been there. but you can sleep in the tent that is no problem. fishing licence you can find fron the harbour...

good luck.

ker0imäki is better than imatra..


Posts: 2
Joined: 19.6.2013 13:02:02
Location: St. Retersburg, Russia

Postby Seva » 8.8.2013 2:02:11

I did go dive Lake Puruvesi about a week ago. The first dive was ok, I did shoot 2 pike, a bream and a carp but on the second dive, under the railway bridge, I was trying to shoot a big perch, missed and my cable broke and the spear sunk in deep water under the bridge, maybe 7-8 meters deep. I tried to find it and could not. Maybe someone will find it one day )) So I lost my spear and had no other choice but to go home. I definetely want to come to Puruvesi again, and hope to do so with someone else, who has a boat or knows where do dive.

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