Report 5, Kimi

Moderator: Maza

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Report 5, Kimi

Postby Maza » 16.9.2010 12:24:34

Hi there!

Sorry for staying offline, weve moved to the competition "village" (viz. Retirement hell resort) and left the calm of our seaside residence. Yesterday we participaterd in the opening ceremony and also had the compulsory captains meeting.

Our fishing trip with the whole team went well, I got a 1kg Brotola and a 6 kg conger eel. I tried the multiprong arrow i borrowed from Rapo and it worked like a charm! The conger did not even flinch when the arrow hit it. We gave it to Mama downstaris before leaving to Aurora. She gave us a bottle of the local booze, Slivovič, that bottle will have to wait for now.

We have enjoyed the social time with all teh worlads top fishermen and the feeling is great! These people are so warm and equally crazy as ourselves (almost...)!

The competition is tomorrow. I think the leaders will have 10-12 fishj per day, but who knows. The spaish think that 10 congers will be very difficult to catch in one day, so for us 1-3 is good and realistic. I feel strong, calm and as confident as I can hope to feel as a FInnish spearfisherman in Croatia up against all the great names of this planet. So, now we rest and fix our gear. Pertza will help me in the boat and lets hope all goes well.

Keep your finger crossed!

Tomorrow at 8:00 we leave from the hotel and head to the harbour, find our boats and head out to the competition area. all 60 boats will huddle up and then go like bats out of hell to the best fishing grounds!!!
Were proud to be representatives of our dear contry in this great event!



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