1.8-9.8.2011 South of MO I RANA area, NORWAY

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1.8-9.8.2011 South of MO I RANA area, NORWAY

Postby Maza » 12.8.2011 19:34:47

I went to the new area of Norway. Mainly because I wanted to go the nearest place from my home. So we took the "prison" boat from Vaasa to Umeå. It really makes the trip shorter, but the "Pizza Empiors" boat it just grazy expensive. Two person + boat+ car TWO way was 580 euroa.....Grazy.

Anyway of course it was so easy driving to Norway. Only 8 hours from the harbour of Umeå. Easy way the route 12. No big mountains and the higway was at exellent shape. In the destination I have looked couple nice bringes. And they didnt let down. First day I saw about 50 Cod fish from 5-8 kg. They were no Wind and waves and they were just chilling in under the bridge. I also shooted one 8 kg Lyyr. The main reason why we travelled more shouth was, because in the height of Bodö there is no Scallops. I am big fun of Scallops, I love to eat the, raw, fried, chewitche. But it was no easy job to find them. I was using one day to find them in fron of large sand bay.

I talked with the local fisher men who have been working also with Norwegian University people who are doing calculating of the fish ammounts. He was happy because after they stop ground troling in Norway the ammount of fish and especially hallibuts have come up. He told that from the north of Kristiansund the ammount of fish is gowing and in the south of Norway the fish is dissapiering. He told that the pollution ( I think also the climate change) is efectting the fish in the south.

The visibility in the area was exellent. from 7-16 meters. Water temperature was +8-+14 celcius. So it was great diving. For me the trip was in a many ways important:

1. I have been too much diving at the "HC stream" places. I have a bit forget the style how you fish in the normal conditions at Norway. So thsi was a great lesson. Expecially because we have Nordic championships at October in Norway.

2. Silence-Piece. It was so nice to dive in the places were were actually no other people. Just few boats and some people fishing from the shore. It is just magic in Norway. It is the best palce. In the competitions or in the "Stream places" it is just different. There is no time and energy to enjoy the enviroment.

3. My age and energy levels. It took 5 days to dive well. It is just grazy how the age is effecting. I just need so much morte time to bee in the good shape and I need so much mote time to recover. But that is life.

So it was great diving at the new places. I think I will travell in the future more to the new areas and look for some great new spots. It is really exiting.


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